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Excavation Projects

Tell Abu Shusha

Tell Abu Shusha is Gaba Hippeon a city founded by King Herod for as a base for his cavalry forces. Since as early as 2000 BCE, the city guarded one of the main roads into the Jezreel Valley. 

Tel Abu Shusha

Tell Abu Shusha

Tell Abu Shusha is the site of ancient Gaba Hippeon, a city founded by King Herod as a base for his cavalry forces. Earlier, the site was an important town guarding one of the main roads into the Jezreel Valley, and may be the mysterious Djafy, referred to by Egyptian Pharah Thutmosis III, on his campaign against Megiddo.  


Directed by:
Susan L. Cohen (Montana State University
Matthew J. Adams (W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research)
Yotam Tepper (Israel Antiquities Authority) 



Legio was the sprawling base of the Roman VIth Ferrata Legion from the early 2nd Century to the early 4th Century BCE. The JVRP has conducted three seasons of excavation at the site stunning revelations about the Legion and its Jewish and early Christian neighbors!


Tel Megiddo East

This 5000 year old Early Bronze Age city was the home to 

tel megiddo east
tel megiddo

Tel Megiddo

Megiddo is the jewel in the crown of biblical archaeology. Strategically perched above the most important land route in the ancient Near East, the city dominated international traffic for over 6,000 years — from ca. 7,000 B.C.E. through to biblical times. As civilizations came and went, succeeding settlements at ancient Megiddo were built on the ruins of their predecessors, creating a multi-layered archaeological legacy that abounds in unparalleled treasures that include monumental temples, lavish palaces, mighty fortifications, and remarkably-engineered water systems.

JVRP Survey

Principal Investigators: Matthew J. Adams, Yotam Tepper, and Robert Homsher

jvrp survey
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